Friday, September 11, 2009

The Farrier

The farrier came yesterday and checked out Andy and Abigails hooves. He was worried about Abigail in the beginning. My husband says to dispose of her and in the beginning he agreed. After trimming her and checking out the infection he thinks she'll be ok. He recommended a product called Jensen Violet that he said would be difficult to find. Difficult was not the right word. Impossible. Like it doesn't exist! I ended up with a product called Copper Tox. It was $16.00 at the local co-op. I passed everything the farrier said by my girlfriend Julie who has had horses her entire life. She disagreed with everything he said and said he way over charged me. He charged me $45. per horse. She said it should have been less than $30 per horse. She said they need moisture and a hoof conditioner and the Copper Tox was drying. The farrier says they need dried and not to use the moisture. I went to the internet to solve the problem. Some websites said treat the hoofs with bleach; some websites said do NOT treat the hoofs with bleach. So...what to do.....I'll call another farrier and see if I was a victim of price gouging
Now onto the goats. Maggie and Max are eating but seem to still be seriously disgruntled with me. I tried to give them a handful of feed - nope. Some carrots - no thanks, some grass - no way. Let's see what today brings with the goats. I have them on 20 foot leashes. They want to run free. Can't blame them for that.
Mister and Sister have been spending their recent days chained until the goats get established. I don't want them to think I brought them home play toys to toss around the pastures until they quit kicking. The other day they had a little fawn that couldn't have been more than a few days old. The poor thing couldn't jump the fence and ended up in the pond. I called a neighbor who helped me rescue the poor thing from the pond. We were going to take it to the animal rescue (two doors down - which is approximately 1/4 mile) because it had some puncture wounds on its side but it was walking so we thought it better to let nature take it's course.
I figured out how to post some pictures last night so I will post photos of all my dearly beloved pets. Off to feed the masses then off to do my thing for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Denise, try to contact Dr. Carroll in Dickson about Abigail's hoof problem. He's the vet Bill and I used when we were down there and he sure saved our lab, Max. Remember him? Miss being down there, but better off up here.....Sherry
