Monday, September 14, 2009

EEK A Mouse!

I opened a drawer in the kitchen the other day and saw a bunch of mouse droppings. Mice are common in the country so without panicking, I cleaned all the drawers out and I told Fred about my findings. I asked him to bring home some mouse traps. Being the diligent, obedient husband that he is, he promptly purchased a package of mousetraps. He placed a glob of peanut butter on the trap, pulled out the drawer and placed the trap on the floor under the drawer. While he was setting the trap he gave me a complete lesson on why peanut butter was the bait of choice for the professional mouse catcher and how this particular brand of trap efficiently catches the mouse causing death in a quick, but humane fashion. Whatever! Get the damned mice out of my house as quickly and efficiently as my patience will allow! A day or so later I noticed some mouse droppings on the kitchen floor. I immediately reported my finding to Fred. Certain that we had caught the culprit, I pulled out the drawer and, to my dismay, I saw no mouse. I swore that Fred had placed peanut butter on the trap but all I saw under the drawer was a big stack of dog food and the empty trap in the middle of the area. I called Fred in to look. He got out the flashlight, got down on his knees and peeked under the cabinet. Damned if that mouse didn't eat the peanut butter, take Gus's food from his bowl and carry it under the drawer to stock up for those coming cold winter nights. Seems like the lesson I learned on this one is that you gotta be smarter than the mouse! I'll pass that lesson on to Fred and I'll catch that mouse eventually. In the meantime what Gus doesn't eat by the end of the day goes back into the bag and I've ordered the book Mouse Catching for dummies.


  1. Denise - You should use your considerable "craft" skills, and make those mice some little warm coats. THEN, they would be willing to stay outside on those "coming cold winter nights!"

  2. Thanks, Joe, I'm going to use my investigative skills to find the right stuff to kill the mice
