Two of the chickens and two roosters have taken to sleeping under the stars at night. I keep moving them inside of their coop to save them from things that go bump in the night. But Romeo and Juliet and Marc Anthony and Cleopatra are insistent upon roosting on the fence each night. Just the four of them. Romeo and Marc Anthony are such perfect gentlemen as they keep their ladies on the inside to keep them warm and safe. When it gets dark enough for them to settle down, I have to pick each one up and carry them inside the coop. No matter where I put them, they move to be side by side.
We could probably learn something from them to enhance our own relationships. It may be as simple as guys on the outside and ladies on the inside or it may be something deeper such as having to be close to you no matter where we end up....maybe it's just about laying eggs...
hey denise, that picture looks nothing like you!! Your legs are not that long. And I miss you too... Your chickens look like they are doing well, and you have done well in the country coming from the big city!!